Life Group Discussion Starters:

January 19,2025 / The Greatest Story Ever Told Series / Creation: God’s Plan & Purpose

Gen. 1:1-3 / Jn. 1:4-5 / Gen 1:31 / Gen 1:26-27

  1. God’s design reveals His glory. He simply spoke and the universe began. The creation of life was intentional and deliberate. Just as God brought order to the chaos preceeding creation, He has a purpose for your life. Are there areas of your life in which you are experiencing chaos? Where you life feels formless and empty? What are some practical ways for you to surrender those areas to God. To allow Him to breath life into them?

  2. God’s creation is inherently good. There was harmony and purpose in His creation. God’s original plan was for humans to be good stewards of His creation. What are some ways that we as followers of Jesus can honor God by valuing preserving and stewarding His creation?

  3. Humanity was created to reflect God’s image. We do so through relationships and creativity. Do you ever struggle to see someone in your life as though they are “The image of God?” Do you ever struggle to see yourself through that lens? If so, what can you do about that?

  4. When was the last time you felt truly creative? If we are to reflect Gods image by being creative, what can we do to become more creative?

January 12, 2025 / Wise Men Still Seek God / Seeking God Requires Some Things

Matt. 2:1-2 / Ps. 19:1 / Jer. 29:13 / Matt.2:11-12 / Jn. 10:27 / Prov. 3:5-6 / Jms 1:22

  1. Seeking God requires awareness, action and obedience all of which leads to worship. The Magi were looking for the star, and once they saw it, they were willing to leave everything and go, knew who they were going to see and intended to worship the king when they found Him.

  2. Are you constantly paying attention to what God is saying and doing in and around your life? Do you ever find yourself in a position where Jesus is more of an afterthought instead of THE thought? If so… What are some practical steps to change this?

  3. Are you willing to identify and change some things that hinder your pursuit of Jesus? If not, why not?

  4. Are there things in your life that distract you from living a life of constant worship? What will you do differently moving forward?

  5. Are you willing to take steps of faith to align yourself with God’s will? What hinders you from stepping out in faith?

November 24, 2024 / An Attitude of Gratitude / Thanksgiving 2024

Colossians 3:15-17

  1. Paul implies that the foundation of our new way of living is gratitude. But living a consistent “Attitude of Gratitude” kind of life if difficult. How is it possible?

  2. Allow the peace of Christ to rule in our hearts. This means allowing Jesus to call the balls and strikes in our lives. Directing our emotions, decisions and relationships. What areas of your life do you consistently allow Jesus to rule? Are there any areas you struggle with?

  3. The living and active Word of God needs to be invited into our hearts. Do you ever struggle with the truth of God’s Word? When was the last time you encouraged someone with God’s Word? What was the result?

  4. There needs to be a “Christ-centeredness” to everything we do. Are there any areas of your life where you consistently struggle to have Jesus at the center of? What are some practical ways of changing that reality?

Nov 17, 2024 / Radical Generosity / Celebrating the Holidays With an Eternal Perspective

Mark 12:41-44 / 2 Corinthians 8:1-5

  1. Radical Generosity doesn’t ask, “What can I receive?. It asks, “What can I give?”. Choosing to be radically generous is truly an eternal perspective.

  2. The widow gave out of her sacrifice completely trusting God to provide what she needed. When was the last time, or have you ever, given generously to someone in need without knowing how you were going to cover everything you needed? How did God bless that gift?

  3. Share with the group an example (or three) of times when you have truly experienced God’s goodness and grace. As you reflect on His goodness toward you, does it motivate you to go and be radically generous to someone else?

November 10, 2024 / Unity Requires a Thing or Two

Gen. 1:1-3 / Jn. 17:21-23 / Phil. 2:1-4 / Eph. 4:3 / Jn. 13:35 / Col. 3:14

  1. As followers of Jesus, fostering unity in a world of division is something each one of us is called to do. It reflects the nature of God, was implanted into humanity when God breathed His essence into Adam and is rooted in our identity in Christ. That being said… It doesn’t come easy.

  2. Unity takes a lot of work. It takes intentionality. What are some prctical ways you can be intentional about fostering unity this week?

  3. Unity requires humility and sacrifice. What are some practical ways you can humble yourself and make a sacrifice for others this week?

  4. Unity is a witness to the world. What are some practical ways for the people around you to experience the love of Heaven this week?

November 3, 2024 / A Hope The Transcends Politics / Election 2024

1 Peter 3:13-15 / 1 Timothy 2:1-2 / Hebrews 12:18

  1. To revere Jesus as Lord means that we are to submit our entire lives to Him. This keeps our focus on Him which requires us to filter our participation on politics through the lens of His Eternal Kingdom. Are there any areas of your life that are not completely submitted to His Lordship? Meaning… Do you still sit on the throne over certain areas of your life? If so, how can you change that?

  2. Being prepared to give an answer doesn’t require perfect theology of eloquent words. Just willingness. How willing are you?

  3. How hard is it for you to share what you believe to be the truth with gentleness and respect? Are there practical ways to help you remember to speak with humility and in a way that values the person you are speaking to?

  4. When was the last time you prayed for a political leader you truly don’t like? Have the entire Life Group pray for the political leaders of our nation.

  5. When was the last time you pointed someone to Jesus? What can you do to make that become a priority in your life?

October 27, 2024 / It’s Time To Play Offense / Halloween 2024

Matthew 16:17-19 / Ephesians 1:17-21 / 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

  1. Churches are full of lights, being light, in well-lit places. But our calling is to be light in the darkness. However, we aren’t to go in our own wisdom and strength. We need to spend time with the Father so that He can show us where He wants us to participate in advancing His Kingdom. Do you regularly spend time with Him? Daily? If not why not? If not, what will you do about changing that?

  2. Gates are defensive. The only way they prevail against us is if we don’t attack them. Offense has always been the plan. Rather than sitting back and waiting for the darkness to come to us, we have been called to storm the gates of Hell. Where are some places you have been called to push back the gates of darkness?

  3. We have not only been given Kingdom keys… We’ve also been given Kingdom authority to use them. Where are some areas God is asking you to bind the enemy’s influence? Where are some areas God is asking you to loose the power and plans of Heaven?

October 20, 2024 / Right Under Your Nose / Lessons From a Boy King

2 Chronicles 34:3-33 / Galatians 1:10 / Luke 4:18-21

  1. Too often we believe that if we change ur behaviour it will change our heart. But the truth is a changed behavior may or may not change our heart, But a changed heart will almost always change our behavior. If you were to be completely honest, on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being “completely devoted”, how would you rate your devotion to consistent, daily time in the Word and at the feet of Jesus? Allowing His truth and His presence to permeate your life and change your heart?

  2. As followers of Jesus, you and I have the Word, Prayer, Holy Spirit and each other to help us in our daily walk. If you are not committed to using those resources on a regular basis, what is holding you back?

  3. We also have healing, freedom and deliverance available through Jesus. Are you willing to admit to your Life Group that you are in need of one or more of these? Will you allow them to pray with you?

October 13, 2024 / The God Who Runs / Dragon Slayer Series

Luke 15:11-24

  1. Most of us look in the mirror and see damaged goods. We believe God is merciful. We believe He is full of grace. We believe if we repent and turn to Him that He will let us live in His house. Even so, most of us believe we deserve to live in the servants quarters and not as full fledged member of His family. What does it mean to you personally that the Father is looking for you? Is running toward you? Is ready to embrace you with grace and restore you completely?

  2. One of the deadliest enemies of Satan is a son or a daughter who knows the Father’s love. What are some practical ways for us to walk in that identity and push back the kingdom of darkness?

September 15,2024 / What Jesus Did Was Enough / It Is Finished / Dragon Slayer Series

Jn 19:28-30 / Heb 10:11-14 / Rom 6:23 / Col 2:13-14 / 1Cor 15:55-57 / Eph 2:13-16 Math 27:50-51 / Heb 4:16

  1. When Jesus said from the cross, “It is finished” He was declaring that His mission to rescue humanity was now complete. All too often though, we humans feel like we need to do something more. Strive or earn our salvation somehow. Do enough good… Stop doing bad… So that God will love us more. But the truth is… You and I do not need to fight a battle that has already been won.

  2. Think about the words, “It is finished” and reflect on the following questions…

    1. Our debt is paid in full. Do you every feel like you are trying to do enough to pay off your debt of sin? What are some practical ways of overcoming this way of living?

    2. The power of sin over humanity is broken. Do you ever struggle with a particular sin? One that you just can’t seem to get victory over? What are some practical ways to gain victory?

    3. Death has been defeated once and for all. Do you ever fear death? Or struggle with the lack of assurance about your eternal future? What are some practical ways to overcome those fears?

    4. We have a way back to the Father. What are some practical ways for us to step closer to the Father? To approach the throne boldly?

September 8, 2024 / Nothing Can Separate Us From the Love of God / Dragon Slayer Series

Ro 8:38-39 / 2 Co 4:8-9 / Jn 10:27-30 / Ro 5:8 / Jn 15:13 / Eph 3:17-19 / Jer 31:3 / Ps 136:1-3 Mal 3:6

  1. Most of us struggle from time to time with the idea that God’s love for us is constant and unchanging. We believe the lies of the enemy when he tells us there are all kinds of things that we can do or have happen to us that can put distance between us and God’s love. But Paul became convinced, based on hard evidence, that God’s love was and is unshakable. Taking an honest look back at your life, can you see times when the love of God was evident regardless of what circumstances you were facing?

  2. Our assurance of being held in God’s hand is rooted in the cross. What does Jesus’ sacrifice mean to you? Does what He did for you on the cross seal the deal? Is that the hard evidence you need to believe you can’t be separated from His love? If so, why? If not, why not?

  3. Scripture clearly shows us that God’s love has remained unchanging for all of time. This means we should never fear losing His affection. God’s eternal love should be a firm foundation on which we build our lives. What are some practical ways for us to remind ourselves and one another of the enduring love of God?

September 1, 2024 / Rest Comes First / Labor Day 2024

Gen 2:2-3 / Gen 1:5, 1:8, 1:13, 1:19, 1:23, 1:31 / Lk 4:14-15, 38-44 / Ex 20:8-11 / Is 40:28-31

  1. We often live a life consisting of run, run, run until we’re so exhausted we need to stop and rest. This is actually the opposite of the way God intended from the very beginning. The Hebrew day started at sundown and the account of Creation recorded in Genesis 1 seems to suggest that rest came before work. How difficult would it be for you to adjust your thinking to the rhythm of resting well in order to work hard rather than resting because you worked hard? What are some practical ways to make that change?

  2. God didn’t just institute a day of rest. He instituted a day of holiness. A time set apart and devoted to Him. Scripture is clear that this is the only place we can find true rest. Complete restoration. When was the last time you approached rest in this way? Not just down time. But time set aside to connect with the Father. Spending time at His feet… In His presence. What do you need to change in order to make this a priority in your life?

August 25, 2024 / God Longs to Connect With You / Dragon Slayers Series

Gen 2:7-8 / Gen 3:8-9 / Is 43:1 / Jn 1:14 / Jn 15:4-5 / Jn 14:25-26 / 1 Cor 3:16 / Rom 8:26-27

  1. God came looking for Adam and Eve even after they disobeyed Him. Their response, is a normal human response… Shame. And yet God’s response was… “Reconnect with me.” How can we change our normal human response, which is to create distance from God when we mess up, to instead closing the gap… To turning to Him… To pursuing Him?

  2. Jesus became one of us to make our connection with God even closer. Being connected to the vine isn’t just about survival, it’s about flourishing. If you were to be honest and take a look in the mirror, are there areas of your life that aren’t green and flourishing anymore? Is it possible those areas are wilting because they are no longer attached to the vine? What steps do you need to take to reconnect those areas of your life?

  3. Holy Spirit is actually God… Living IN US!!! God’s desire to connect with us was so strong that His solution to our inadequacies was to actively intercede for us, from with us. How can we learn to lean into His participation in our lives? To stop trying to do everything in our own strength, wisdom and understanding. But to rely fully on Him.

  4. We have a responsibility to intentionally connect with Him daily. Prayer. reading and meditating on His Word. Surrendering to His will. What are the things that keep you from connecting with Him and what can you do to change those things?

August 18, 2024 / God is Good / Dragon Slayer Series

Ps 34:8 / Gen 1:31 / Ps 19:1-2 / Rom 1:20 / Matt 6:26 / Ps 23:1 / Phil 4:19 / Rom 5:28 Gen 50:20 / Rom 5:8 / Eph 2:4-5 / Ps 100:5

  1. God’s goodness is a foundational truth in our faith journey. The more we believe He is good and His goodness extends to us, the more we trust Him. If you were to take an honest look in the mirror, do you truly believe God is good and He is good to you? If not, why not?

  2. “The Goodness of God in Creation” When was the last time you stood back in awe of God’s creation? Share some testimonies of seeing His goodness in creation.

  3. “The Goodness of God in His Provision” Do you have absolute trust in God as your provider? Share some testimonies of God’s goodness in providing for you.

  4. “The Goodness of God in Our Suffering” Do you have absolute trust in God when the journey is tough? Share some testimonies of when God walked with you through tough times.

  5. “The Goodness of God in His Redemption” Jesus’ trip to the cross is God’s ultimate expression of God’s goodness. When was the last time you shared the Good News with someone who had never heard it before?

August 11, 2024 / 1 Peter Series / You and I Belong in a Museum

1 Peter 2:1-9 / Psalm 42:1 / Ephesians 2:19-22 / John 17:1

  1. Peter is pretty straightforward about the changes and responsibilities we have as followers of Jesus. Why do you think it seems like Christians struggle with malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, or slander almost as mush as the world does?

  2. When was the last time you “craved” anything? When was the last time your hunger for God’s Word and His presence in your life was insatiable? What are some practical ways you can increase your hunger?

  3. Peter is very clear that we are all essential parts of the spiritual house God is building. It’s incredibly important for us to allow these truths to shape our self worth and our purpose. Do you see yourself this way? Why or why not? If not, how can you change that?

August 4, 2024 / 1 Peter Series / Why Be Holy? LOVE!!!

1 Peter 1:17-25 / Prov. 1:7 / Eph. 1:7-8 / Jn 13:34-35 / Matt 24:35 / Jn 6:9 / Jn 6:12-13

  1. Proverbs tells us that the fear of the Lord leads to knowledge. This isn’t a terrified, emotional fear, but rather a reverent, in awe of His greatness and sovereignty fear. This should lead us to live a life that honors Him. What differences do you think should be evident in the life of someone who “fears the Lord?”

  2. We know that our faith is personal. Each of us has to make our own, personal decision to follow Jesus. But our faith is also meant to be given away. What are some practical ways for us to “give away” our faith? What are some practical ways to demonstrate love to a world that is constantly spewing hate?

  3. Our sinful nature often tries to convince us to try to build our lives on things that are temporary. But Scripture tells us to build on the permanent foundation of the Word. Jesus. What are ways that we can do that? What are ways we can encourage others to do that?

July 21, 2024 / Something Bigger

Gen 1:1-5 / Psalm 19:1-2 / John 1:1-3 / John 1:14 / 1 Corinthians 12:27 / Matt 28:19-20

  1. It is very easy for us humans to become completely focussed on ourselves. Our needs. Our preferences. Our struggles. Our victories. But the truth is, all of humanity is part of something bigger. Followers of Jesus, in particular, need to embrace the fact that we are part of a bigger purpose. When was the last time you took your eyes off of what was immediately in front of you, and took sone time to look at the “big picture”? What keeps you from doing that?

  2. The fact that Jesus the Creator, made His home among us should prove to us that we are part of something bigger. Scripture tells us that in our human differences, He is the glue that holds us all together. It is within our diversity, held together by our common faith in Jesus, that makes us far more effective at carrying out Jesus’ mission. How hard is it for you to relate to people who are very different than you? Look different. Sound different. Believe different. Different ethnicity, social economic status… Different political party??? What are some practical ways for you to “walk towards” people who are different than you? To lean into Jesus’ plan of oneness? To allow Him to be the glue that bonds? Are there attitudes and beliefs that you need to repent of to make that possible?

July 7, 2024 / Freedom / 2 Entirely Different Definitions

Galatians 5:13-15 / Luke 4:18-21 / John 17:21-23

  1. Webster’s definition of the word “freedom” is very self centered. It is very much in line with what current culture thinks about freedom. I am free to think, act, speak in any way that I want. But Paul makes it very clear that followers of Jesus are called to something very different when ti comes to freedom. Since we have received the ultimate freedom in and through Jesus, we are called to emulate Jesus’ sacrifice and love while having hearts of gratitude for His sacrifice.

  2. With that in mind… Paul continues in Galatians 5 to tell us what this looks like… Love like Jesus. Serve like Jesus. Unite like Jesus. What are practical ways for us to emulate Jesus in the way that we love? In the way that we serve? In the way that we rise above the destructive power of division and strive to be one with the people around us?

  3. What are some things that stand in the way of living out this calling on your life?

June 30, 2024 / A Change of Perspective Devotional

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

  1. Our joy is dependent on who God is and our relationship with Him. It is not dependent on the struggle in front of us. What are some practical ways to live a lifestyle of “Rejoice Always” even in difficult circumstances?

  2. Bowing our heads, closing our eyes and folding our hands are customs of prayer but they are not prayer itself. Prayer is a conversation with God Himself. What are some ways you and I can develop a daily, minute by minute conversation with the Him?

  3. Share with the group some things that you are thankful for. What are some practical ways we can develop a habit of gratitude?

June 23, 2024 / Be Holy / 1st Peter Series

1 Pet 1;10-16 / Eph 6:11-12 / Jn 14:23-24 / Eph 4:22-24 / 2 Cor 5:17 / Rm 12:2 / 2 Cor 13:5 / 1 Jn 4:12

  1. Peter tells us that we are to be mentally prepared, ready for action and free from intoxicating influences. What are some things in you life that keep you from living this way?

  2. Obedience is a reflection of our relationship with Jesus and yet most of us don’t really like someone telling us what to do. Have you had experiences in your life that have made it easier for you to be obedient to God? Experiences that have proven to you that He knows better than you do?

  3. What are some practical ways for us to “renew our minds”, honestly evaluate our lives” and “live out our testimony” of God’s grace and love?

June 16, 2024 / Between His Shoulder Blades / Father’s Day 2024

Jn 14:1-3 / Jn 1:18 / Eph 2:1-5 / Ps 46:1-3 / Ps 32:8 / Jn 14:26 / Rm 5:8 / Phl 4:19 / Phl 4:13 / Is 43:1

  1. Many people struggle to find some separation between their Earthly father and all of their flaws, and their Heavenly Father who is flawless. This keeps us from trusting Him the way that we should. If you’re being honest, have there ever been times in which you chose to not trust your Heavenly Father?

  2. Jesus clearly invites us into an intimate relationship with His Father. Are there things in your life that cause you to keep the Father at arms length? When was the last time you leaned into the Father between His shoulder blades? (The “bosom" of the Father” where Jesus is.)

  3. Of all of the blessings we receive in the embrace of the Father…unconditional love, protection, guidance, sacrifice, provision, encouragement and affirmation of who we are… Are there any of these that really speak to a need in your life? What are you going to do about that?

June 9, 2024 / What About Trials? / 1st Peter Series

1 Peter 1:6-7 / Romans 5:3-4 / Matthew 11:28-30

  1. It seems like in many Christian circles these days, hard times and trials are not a very popular subject. But the truth is… They are part of life. Jesus never promised us a trip down “easy Street” because we followed Him. What are some ways you have dealt with trials in the past? What are some practical tools we can use to walk through tough times?

  2. Have you ever been around someone who has persevered through extremely tough times? What were they like?

  3. There’s a beauty that comes about when we trust Jesus to carry us through deep and dark valleys. What are some good ways we can share the testimony of His goodness with others who are experiencing the same thing?

May 26, 2024 / Where is Your Inheritance? / 1st Peter Series

1 Peter 1:3-5 / Ephesians 2:8-9 / 2 Corinthians 5:17 / Matthew 6:19-21 / Romans 8:37-39

  1. How often are you “hopeful” and it’s really wishful thinking and not true hope? Is it hard to have confident expectation in God’s promises because humans have disappointed you? What are some practical ways for us to lean into God’s goodness?

  2. Do you ever fall into the trap of “circling the wagons” and protecting what’s yours? How hard is it for you to truly hand everything over to God and trust Him to do what He thinks is best? How can we learn to do that more often until fully trusting Him becomes our default rather than the exception?

May 19, 2024 / Who Am I? / 1 Peter / An Introduction

1 Peter 1:1-3 / Philippians 3:20 / John 12:32 / John 14:15 / Luke 10:27

  1. It’s easy for Christians to become focused on their “personal walk” with Jesus and forget that we are part of something bigger than us, and chosen for a special purpose in building God’s Kingdom. What are some practical ways for us to “see the bigger picture” when it comes to God’s Kingdom and our part in building it.

  2. The Bible clearly tells us about the power of Jesus’ blood. Peter tells us that we are sprinkled with it, representing His covenant with us, our empowerment to be Kingdom Builders and the purification process that cleanses us from anything and everything that is not Him. How do these 3 things help us fulfill the special purposes that God has set aside for each of us?

  3. The result of being sprinkled in His blood is to have more grace and peace than we could ever imagine. What would it mean to you personally to realize more grace and peace in your life?

May 12, 2024 / Godly Women & Men / Mother’s Day

1 Samuel 1:1-17 / 1 Samuel 1:21-28 / 1 Samuel 2:1-2

  1. Sometimes it’s easy for followers of Jesus to believe that we should be insulated from hardships in life, simply because we’re followers of Jesus. But Scripture clearly tells us otherwise. If you’re being honest, what is your normal “first reaction” to something difficult happening in your life?

  2. Godly women & men understand the power of prayer. How would you describe your prayer life? What are some practical ways to grow your prayer life?

  3. Godly women & men keep their promises. Do you ever find yourself wanting to go back on something you promised? What is the usual outcome?

  4. Godly women & men are willing to completely surrender to God. How hard is it for you to do this? What are some practical ways for you to learn to be more willing to hand the reigns to God?

  5. Godly women & men give all the glory to God. What does this look like in your life? How can we get better at this?

April 21, 2024 / Who Do You Say I Am? / The most important question you’ll ever answer.

Matthew 16:13-19

  1. When it comes to our faith, who we believe Jesus to be is where the rubber meets the road. Do you ever struggle with knowing or accepting who Jesus truly is? Does the opinion of others ever influence your opinion?

  2. Jesus clearly said: Believe I am the Messiah = 1. Hear from God. 2. Church will grow through you. 3. The enemy is powerless against you. 4. You will bind the enemy’s plans and loose Heaven on Earth. When you do an honest evaluation of your life, do you see that fruit? Are you actively hearing from God? Is the Kingdom growing through your testimony? Does the enemy ever seem to have power over you? Or do you regularly bind his schemes with prayer, love, grace, mercy, generosity, peace and hope?

  3. If these fruits are not evident in your life, what are some practical ways to changes that?

April 14, 2024 / Growing Season / What Does It Take?

Gal. 5:19-22 / Ps. 1:1-3 / Phil. 4:8 / Acts 1:8 / Rom. 8:26-27 / Ps. 63:1 / 2 Pet. 1:5-8

  1. Scripture tells us that prior to following Jesus our lives are fruitless. Choosing to follow Him should cause our lives to become fruitful. But the process is not automatic. There are things that we must do, in order to see fruit in our lives. Being careful of our “environment”, diving deep into the “nutrients” of God’s Word, actively turning into His “light” and presence and being “committed” to seeing the process through, are 4 critically important components of fruit growing.

  2. Of these 4 components, are there any that come easier to you? Any that are harder than others?

  3. Why are some harder than others for you? What are some practical ways we can encourage each other to commit to growing fruit?

April 7, 2024 / What Happened to You? Easter… That’s What!!!

Luke 24:36-53

  1. While Christmas and Easter are the 2 most important dates of the year for Christians… There is always a big build up to both. And yet it’s quite easy for us to go right back to normal the day after. What do you think contributes to the fact that we rarely walk away from easter changed? Or at the very least, more excited or fired up to share out faith?

  2. Peace, Joy and Understanding change the way we see our world, give us inner strength and builds our faith. Do you tend to live at peace? Full of joy? Do you have a hunger to dig into the Word to help you understand? If not, why not?

  3. Jesus was very clear in telling us that, as His disciples, our #1 purpose was to tell the world about the Good News of Easter. To be Jesus in the world around you. Is that your top priority? If it isn’t, why isn’t it?

March 31, 2024 / The Stone Was Rolled away / Easter Sunday

Mark 16:1-7 / Luke 24:2-8 / Matthew 28:2-7 / John 2-:1 / Romans 5:1-2

  1. Stones have a way of keeping us in our tombs. Keep us from stepping out in faith. Can you identify any stones that are in your life that you either can’t remove or are choosing not to remove?

  2. Stepping into a deeper relationship with Jesus and surrendering fully to Him gives us access to hope and the glory of God. What are some areas of your life that need to be surrendered? What’s holding you back from doing so? What are some practical ways to deepen your relationship with Jesus?

March 24, 2024 / What Does Your Foundation Look Like? / Palm Sunday

John 12:1-2 / John 12:10-13 / Luke 6:46-49 / Luke 6:27-36

  1. The Bible repeated warns of deception because humans are so susceptible to it. What are some practical ways for us to keep from being deceived by the enemy?

  2. Jesus isn’t looking for outward conformity. He is looking for complete surrender. Why is that so hard for us? What keeps us from acting upon His words? Following His lead?

  3. What are some practical ways to shore up our foundations?

March 17, 2024 / Name Above All Names Series / Light of the World

Philippians 2:9 / John 8:12 / Revalation 21:23-25 / Matthew 5:14-16

  1. Jesus claimed to be the limitless, single source of light, God Himself and THE light that cannot be contained or dimmed. If all of that is true, (And we believe it is) why are so many people, who claim to be followers of Jesus stumbling around in the darkness? The choice would seem to be logical and yet many choose to remain in darkness. What are some practical ways for you and I to make sure we remain in the light?

  2. Jesus clearly tells us that those who have chosen to follow Him, The Light, actually become the Light themselves. The purpose of us becoming the Light is so that we can share the Light. What are some practical ways that you and I can share the Light of Jesus?

March 10, 2024 / Name Above All Names Series / Jesus

Lk 1:31 / Matt 1:21 / Acts 4:12 / Acts 3:6 / Acts 4:8-10 / Mk 16:17 / James 1:6-7 / Jn 14:25-26

  1. While the world tells us that there are many roads to Heaven, the Bible clearly tells us that Jesus is the only way. What are practical ways to share the truth that Jesus is salvation to a world around us that might disagree?

  2. Peter didn’t doubt that in the name of Jesus, this man was getting up and walking home. What keeps us from praying with that same confidence? What are some things that can help us know that we know that Jesus is healing?

  3. Do you ever hold back when it comes to spiritual conversations because you “might not have the correct answer?” Do you find encouragement in knowing that through the name of Jesus, we have access to Holy Spirit? How does that increase your confidence in sharing Jesus?

March 3, 2024 / Name Above All Names Series / The Gate

Philippians 2:9 / John 10:1-10 / John 14:6 / Ephesians 2:18

  1. Jesus contrasted those who should have legitimate access to the sheep with those who did not. What would be some modern day examples of those who have access to the sheep but should not? What can be done about that?

  2. It is obvious from this passage that Jesus intent is for the Shepherd to have a close and personal relationship with the sheep. For that to happen, we need to consistently be near Him, listening for His voice, quiet in His presence and be disciplined enough to make these things a daily priority. Are there things in you life that are holding you back from this? What are some practical steps to change that?

  3. Jesus is the “Closed Gate” that protects us. He is also the “Open Gate” that gives us access to the Father. Without a doubt, this is good news. What are some ways we can effectiuvely share this message with the people around us who do not know Jesus?

February 25, 2024 / Name Above All Names Series / The Resurrection and the Life

Philippians 2:9 / John 11:1-5, 11:6, 11:11-15, 11:21, 11:25-27, 11:38-44

  1. When you face struggles or difficult times, what is your normal “go-to”… Figure it out? Handle it yourself? Is asking for Jesus ever an afterthought?

  2. When you struggle to “connect the dots” when it comes to God’s plans and purposes do you ever try to convince Him to do things your way? What keeps you from setting aside your expectations and allowing God to do His thing even when you don’t understand or can’t see what He’s doing?

  3. Jesus called Himself the Resurrection and the Life. What does that mean to you personally?

February 18, 2024 / Name Above All Names Series / Bread of Life

Philippians 2:9 / John 6:25-42

  1. Jesus didn’t come to earth on a mission to perform signs and wonders. They were a means to an end, revealing who He is, so that a relationship would follow. Do you ever find yourself wanting a miracle more than you want a closer relationship with Jesus? What are some practical ways to change that priority?

  2. Humans have consistently sought fulfillment from the wrong sources. Those sources are always temporary and fickle. But Jesus says if we eat and drink from His source, we will never be hungry or thirsty again. He is eternally satisfying. What holds us back from accepting His invitation?

  3. In return for our complete surrender, we receive His eternal presence. Most of us are willing to surrender some but not all of our life. Why is that and how do we change that?

February 11, 2024 / Name Above All Names Series / Prince of Peace

Phil. 2:9 / Is. 9:6 / Jn 1:14 / Mat 21:18 / Jn 11:35 / Mrk 3:1-6 / Mat 19:14 / Mat 11:28-30 / Phil 2:9-11 / Lk 2:11-14 / Jn 16:33

  1. The Prince had very different responsibilities from the King. He was tasked with knowing the people and their needs and was in the perfect position to make decisions and govern their day to day lives. This really speaks to the “personal-ness” of Jesus. With regards to your peace, how does Jesus being the “Prince” affect your daily life?

  2. True peace has nothing to do with the absence of conflict and everything to do with the presence of the Prince. Is that a hard concept or practice for you to accept?

  3. What are some practical ways for you to embrace peace through a relationship with the Prince of Peace rather than you attempting to remove conflict in order to attain peace?

January 28, 2024 / Name Above All Names Series / Everlasting Father

Phil. 2:9 / Isaiah 9:6 / Ps. 136:1-3 / Rom. 8:38-39 / 1 Pet. 1:24-25 / Eph. 1:4 / Ecc. 12:7

  1. While the Bible clearly speaks of eternity, forever, of God being outside of time and space, do you ever find it difficult to wrap your brain around that concept? Are you willing to share with the group how you have come to accept that even though you don’t filly understand it?

  2. Jesus, the Everlasting Father is the leader, overseer, fully invested owner and keeper of God’s everlasting love for us. What does that mean to us? To you?

  3. Jesus, the Everlasting Father is the leader, overseer, fully invested owner and keeper of God’s everlasting Word. What does that mean to us? To you?

  4. Jesus, the Everlasting Father is the leader, overseer, fully invested owner and keeper of our everlasting souls. What does that mean to us? To you?

January 21, 2024 / Name Above All Names Series / Mighty God

Phil 2:9 / Isaiah 9:6 / Isaiah 55:8-9 / Heb 13:8 / Jn 10:30 / Jn 8:58 / Col. 1:15 / Col 1:19-22

  1. Jesus isn’t just strong and powerful. Mighty means that He is the strongest and most powerful. But the fact that His ways and thoughts are so much higher than ours makes is hard for us to understand. But the truth is, we don’t need necessarily need to understand God in order to obey Him. What are some practical ways for us to live a life that says, “God… You lead… I’ll follow”?

  2. There is no mistaking the fact that Jesus is God. Does it excite you that, through Jesus, God in the flesh, you and I have to opportunity to get to know God face to face? To really see what God is like? To experience Almighty God’s nature through Jesus?

  3. Jesus’ sacrifice, allowing humans the opportunity to be reconciled to the Father is the greatest news ever. Do you ever hesitate to tell people about this Good News? Why?

January 14, 2024 / Name Above All Names Series / Wonderful Counselor

Is. 9:6 / Matt. 12:22-23 / Rom. 5:6-8 / Prov. 1:5 / Is. 11:2 / Ps 147:5 / Jms 1:5 / 1 Pet. 5:7 Matt. 6:26 / Matt. 11:28-30 / Heb. 4:15 / Jn 10:27 / Hew. 4:16

  1. The Hebrew word “wonderful” reveals to us that the nature of God is literally incomprehensible to humans. When was the last time you were truly in awe or you stood back in wonder at something God did?

  2. Scripture clearly tells us to seek wise counsel. Who or what is your “go to” when you need to know something you do not know?

  3. Without a doubt the Wonderful Counselor knows more than Google. He also cares for, values, and understands you. He longs for you to come in close and to lean into a deep and intimate relationship with Him where He can truly be our Wonderful Counselor. Are there specific things in your life that are inhibiting that relationship? What’s holding you back? What needs to go? What needs to change?

January 7, 2024 / Name Above All Names Series / What’s In A Name?

Philippians 2:9 / John 8:50 / John 8:54 / Acts 2:32-33 / John 14:6

  1. We’re told time and again in Scripture to be humble like Jesus. Jesus never sought recognition. He never sought repayment for what He did. He always humbled Himself to those around Him. How hard is it for you to do this on a consistent basis? When you do something good for someone… When you accomplish something great… How hard is it for you when you are not recognized or even thanked?

  2. God is in the “freely giving” business. His grace, love and mercy are unlimited. Do you ever find yourself attempting to earn His grace? Do you ever try to live up to a certain standard in order to have Him love you more?

  3. God declared Jesus to be Yahweh. And God sent Jesus to live with us, providing a way for humans to once again have the opportunity to have a one on one relationship with Yahweh. What does that mean to you personally?

December 31, 2023 / There’s A New Year Ahead / One With Jesus

2 Corinthians 5:17 / Psalm 24:1 / John 16:33 / 1 John 4:4 / Galatians 2:20

  1. Change can be scary, hard and difficult when we don’t follow God’s lead. How easily do you embrace change? Is it easier to do when you know it’s what God wants?

  2. How often do you dwell on the past? Specifically past failures or difficult times. Are you willing to share some things that you’ve been holding onto that you really need to take to the cross? Pray together as a group for these things.

  3. No matter how hard the enemy fights, he is truly no match for our God. What are some areas of your life that you need to see the Lord’s victory over in the coming year? Pray together as a group for these things.

December 17, 2023 / Be Still and Know Peace / Advent 2023

1 Kings 19:9-13 / Psalm 46:10 / Exodus 14:13-14 / Isaiah 9:6-7

  1. There is a lot of “noise” in our world these days. Do you ever get distracted by the chaos and later realize you missed something God was saying to you? Care to share with the group?

  2. Generally speaking, when life gets tough, our tendency is to work harder to bring about peace. How difficult is it for you to “Be still” in the midst of the storm?

  3. What are some practical ways for us to learn to be still and to lean into the heart of the Prince of Peace when our lives are anything but peace?

December 3, 2023 / Hope Comes When We Seek Jesus / Advent 2023 / Hope

Jeremiah 29:11-14a / Isaiah 9:6-7

  1. When was the last time you actually felt hopeless? Who or what did you turn to?

  2. Think about times in your life when you truly attempted to seek God. Not just kind of go through the motions and pray and ask Him to do something for you. But really and truly sought His face. His plans. His resources not yours. Did you do so expectantly? Meaning, did you really expect Him to answer your prayers? What was the result?

  3. During this Christmas season, what are some practical ways that we can be sharing the Hope of Nations, Jesus, with the world around us?

November 19, 2023 / His Love Endures Forever / Thanksgiving 2023

  1. In the face of all of life’s difficulties, it can be hard for us to to be mindful of God’s goodness. To wrap our brains around the enduring nature of God’s love. To be thankful for the fact that He never leaves our side. What are some practical ways to help remind us of those truths? What are some practical ways we can remind one another of these truths?

  2. The one true God… The King of Kings… Who has unlimited power and authority… Loves you. Is for you. Is available to you. What does that mean to you? What’s holding you back from surrendering the reigns of your life to Him?

  3. When was the last time you stood back in wonder of something God did?

November 12, 2023 / Honor God… Honor Everyone… How? / Mission 2023

  1. Looking at the list below of “Practical ways to honor God”, are there any that seem to be particularly easy to you? What about ones that are hard? What are practical ways for us to do the hard ones?

  2. Looking at the list below of “Practical ways to honor everyone else”, are there any that seem to be particularly easy to you? What about ones that are hard? What are practical ways for us to do the hard ones?

  3. Isaiah 29:13 / Honor God

    1. Practical ways to honor God

      1. 1 Timothy 1:17 / Revelation 5:13

        • With our mouth.

      2. Romans 12:1-2

        • With our body.

      3. Proverbs 3:9

        • With our resources.

      4. Proverbs 14:31

        • With how we treat others.

    2. Honor everyone else.

      1. Practical ways to honor one another.

        • Roman’s 12:10

          • Go out of my way to honor others.

        • 1 Peter 1:18-19

          • Value them

        • Ephesians 4:29

          • Build them up.

        • 1 Corinthians 12:21-26

          • Celebrate them

        • John 15:12-13

          • Become a good friend

        • James 1:19

          • Hear them

        • 1 Timothy 2:1

          • Pray for them

        • Ephesians 4:32

          • Forgive them 

November 5, 2023 / Honor Everyone / Mission 2023

Isaiah 29:13 / 1 Peter 2:17 / 1 Corinthians 12:25-26

  1. Building a Culture of Honor begins with whole life, genuine honor of God. That means we completely surrender our lives to Him. What does “surrendering your life to God” look like to you?

  2. Culture teaches us that people are to be honored for what they do. Even our identities are often tied to what we do. A Culture of Honor turns that upside down by honoring for who we are and not what we do. What are some practical ways to help us transition our way of thinking to a “Culture of Honor” mindset?

  3. Peter gave the example of Nero a someone to be honored. How hard is it for you to honor someone you have a low opinion of? Or someone who has hurt you or someone you love? How is it possible for you to honor someone like that?

October 29,2023 / Shepherds Lead / Child Dedication Sunday

John 10:1-5 / John 10:7-13 / John 10:27-30

  1. In this story, Jesus makes it clear that not everything or everybody in the sheep pen belongs there. Sometimes there is danger lurking and we might not even know it. What are practical ways for us to not only be on guard for that deception but to even take action against it?

  2. It’s easy for us to say, “Don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk.” and yet it can be difficult to actually do that. Are you willing to share some times in which you struggled to this and what the results were?

  3. We sometimes get so caught up in raising our kids that we neglect our personal relationship with Jesus. What are some practical ways to make sure Jesus remains our #1 priority?

October 22, 2023 / Embracing Jesus Results in Being Spirit-led / Mission 2023

Jn 14:16-17 / 15:26 / 16:13-14 / 16:8 / Rom. 8:5-6 / 12:2 / 8:10 / 14-17 / Eph 2:1-5 / 1:13-14

  1. While most of us struggle to accept correction or conviction of something we are doing, saying or thinking wrong, Scripture tells us that one of Holy Spirit’s main roles is to convict us. What practical ways can we help ourselves to be more open to His leading?

  2. Do you often find yourself unable to get your mind off of the difficulties in your life? Do you ever lose sleep, struggle to concentrate at work or does it ever affect relationships? What are some ways to remind yourself to lean into a “renewed mind” that is promised to us through Holy Spirit? To set your thoughts on Heavenly things rather than earthly things?

  3. What comfort do you find in trhe assurance of Ephesians 1:13-14?

October 15, 2023 / Embracing Others Comes From Embracing Jesus / Mission 2023

Genesis 1 creation account / Genesis 2:18 / 1 John 4:7-8 / 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a

  1. There are numerous things that hold us back from embracing others. Looking our for #1, personal differences, emotions and pain, assigning incorrect motives… Do you ever find yourself distancing yourself from others because of these or perhaps other reasons?

  2. When you look at the attributes of love listed in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a, are there some of them you do well? What about ones you need to work on?

  3. The amount in which we embrace others is in direct proportion to the amount in which we embrace Jesus. What are some practical ways for us to embrace Jesus more thoroughly?

October 8, 2023 / The Seagulls Are Always Hungry / Unchanging Jesus

Hebrews 13:8 / John 1:1-5 / John 1:14 / Revelation 3:20 / Psalm 119:89-90

  1. Regardless of what it feels like, Jesus has always had the power and the authority over the darkness. Why do we struggle to apply that truth to the way we live our lives?

  2. What does the fact that Jesus has been and always will be pursuing a closer relationship with you mean to you?

  3. Jesus is eternal. That means His perspective is different than ours and His faithfulness is not subjective. Do you find peace in knowing He is eternal? What are some practical ways for us to begin to see through His perspective?

October 1, 2023 / Embrace Jesus / Mission 2023

Matthew 7:28 / Matthew 15:30-31 / Luke 9:23 / Matthew 26:53 / 2 Corinthians 5:14-20

  1. If we’re honest, there are certain things that are easier to embrace about Jesus than others. What are some of the things you find easy to embrace? What about things that are hard to embrace?

  2. When it comes to decision making, humans generally tend to prioritize “what’s best for me”. My family. My situation. Think about what would be different in our world if followers of Jesus prioritized “what’s best for the Kingdom” instead. What would those differences be?

  3. Does it excite you or scare you to know that you have been called to be Christ’s ambassadors tasked with the mission of reconciliation? Why?

September 17, 2023 / Model Church or Authentic Church? Plastic Imitation or Real Thing?

John 15:4-8

  1. It would seem that we live in a culture and time when we are being told that the most important thing is that we loom or sound or behave a certain way. This has seeped into the church causing many churches to become a plastic imitation of the real thing (A model) Do you ever find it hard to “stand alone”? To be different from what the world says you should be?

  2. Staying connected to the vine is a choice. What are practical steps you and I can take to stay connected?

  3. A faithful, connected to the vine disciple should expect answered prayers. What is your experience with prayer requests? What should that tell you about your connection to the vine? If you are not experiencing many answered prayers, are you willing to lean into a deeper connection with Jesus?

September 10, 2023 / He is Enough / Between a Rock and a Hard Place

  1. One of the most important of God’s commands is “No other gods before me.” If you were to take an honest look at your life, do you ever have something in your life that is more of a priority than your relationship with Him?

  2. When was the last time you truly felt alone? Nobody was coming to your rescue. If you were going to get through what you were facing, it was going to be up to you.

  3. God is clearly saying to each and every one of us… “I am with you. You don’t need anything else. I am enough.” What are practical ways that you and I can accept and embrace that truth?

September 3, 2023 / Jesus Characteristics / A Heavenly View of Work

Colossians 3:1-2 / Colossians 3:23-24 / Phil 2:3-4 / 1 John 4:12 / Rom 8:14-17 / Eph 2:6-7

  1. It’s fairly easy to get bogged down by all of the gobbledygook of life. Especially at work. But God continuously invites us to see things through His perspective. To have a Heavenly view of our world. What are some practical ways we can do that?

  2. Colossians 3:23-24 clearly tells us that we don’t work for our earthly boss but for God instead. Is that hard for you to wrap your brain around? If you can truly grasp that concept, will it change the way you approach your job?

  3. Our inheritance is assured through our faith in Jesus. But many times it’s very easy to forget or to believe lies from the enemy. How can we help remind each other of what our faith in Jesus actually does for us?

August 27, 2023 / Jesus Characteristics / Powerful People

Matthew 8:23-34 / John 11:41-48 / Ephesians 1:15-23

  1. When you picture in your mind what Jesus was like do you see Him with lambs and little children, or rebuking the wind and waves?

  2. Scripture tells us that Jesus has the ultimate authority over sin and death and through Him our slates can be wiped clean and our sins no longer held against us. Even though we know that, most of us still deal with some measure of guilt and shame. What are some practical ways for us to overcome that tendency?

  3. When you look in the mirror, do you see a powerful person looking back at you? If not, why not? If not, what can you do to change that?

August 20, 2023 / There’s Only One Solution… Jesus

Acts 16:9-37

  1. Over the years, there seems to have been a strong emphasis on telling people about Jesus. Evangelizing. Knowing how to share the “plan of salvation” or the “Roman’s Road”. Have you ever felt the need to defend your faith or to try to “talk someone into Jesus”? Is it hard for you to simply speak the truth about Jesus or to share your testimony and then “walk away?” Allow the Holy Spirit to do the persuading?

  2. Our strength of character is best measured in times of struggle rather than times of blessing. Looking back at past experiences, are there times when you’ve been disappointed with your reaction to hard times? What have you learned through those experiences?

  3. Satan and his minions need to be exposed for the liars they are. Do you have a testimony you’d be willing to share of a time when he attacked you and lost? A praise for a time when you exercised the power and authority of Jesus name?

August 13, 2023 / Lets Cause a Little Commotion / Earnest Prayer

Acts 12:1-19 / Galatians 1:110 / Matthew 8::23-27

  1. It’s easy for us humans to be motivated by all the wrong reasons. Pleasing others. Self preservation. Success. But Scripture clearly holds followers of Jesus to a different standard. Pleasing God should be our one and only motivator. How hard is that for you? Be honest!

  2. Satan loves to go after leaders. How often do you pray for government officials? Your boss? Your pastor?

  3. Peter obviously understood that God was in control and this brought him a lot of peace. Is that kind of faith hard for you when times get tough?

  4. When was the last time you prayed “sweat drops of blood” kind of prayers? What was the outcome?

August 6, 2023 / The Key to Peace / David’s Testimony and Invitation

Psalm 34:1-8 / Acts 16:25

  1. Worship is much more than singing. It is a condition and position of the heart. What are practical ways to worship God other than with music?

  2. Choosing to live a humble surrendered life sticks out in the world. Are there areas of your life that you have difficulty fully surrendering to God? Are you willing to share them with your Life Group?

  3. Its obvious that part of God’s plan is for followers of Jesus to share our testimonies and invite people to taste in order to see that the Lord is good. Do you find it hard to do those 2 things?

  4. When was the last time you shared your testimony? Or invited someone to taste? Will you commit to doing both of those things more?

July 23, 2023 / There’s Power in the Name of Jesus / Have You Been With Him?

Acts 3:8-10 / Acts 4:1-13 / Luke 21:12-15

  1. When we encounter tough times it’s easy to take our eye off the ball. To become focussed on things that really don’t matter. What are practical ways for us to keep the main thing the main thing?

  2. Have you ever experienced a miracle? Something that you believe could not have happened without God doing it? How often have you shared that story with someone? Are you willing to share it with your Life Group today?

  3. When we hear about the disciples being described as “having been with Jesus” what do you think the identifiable traits were that led people to come to that conclusion? Do you exhibit those same traits? If you don’t, are you willing to commit to spending more time with Jesus?

July 16, 2023 / Perspective / My Eyes/ Or Jesus’ Eyes?

Acts 3:1-15

  1. When you look at people around you, how often do you give in to the temptation to categorize them? Or to assign status?

  2. All of us have experienced things in our life that have left brokenness behind in varying degrees. How do you most often deal with that? Embrace it as who you are? Hide it from others because you are embarrassed or shameful of it? Disregard it as if it doesn’t exist?

  3. The essence of Jesus’ mission is… What was invested in me… I invest in you. Share something that someone has invested in you. Share something that you have invested in someone else.

July 9, 2023 / More Than a Martyr / Stephen Taught Us Some Valuable Lessons

Acts 6:2-5 / Acts 6:8-10 / Acts 6:15 / Acts 7:51-56 / 1 Corinthians 12:12-14

  1. In today’s “Do it yourself” world, how hard is it for you to ask someone else to help you? Or to even do something for you? Even things that you are less than gifted to do.

  2. In the face of severe opposition, Stephen wasn’t afraid to stand up and speak the truth. When was the last time you were bold with the Gospel of Jesus?

  3. When you are faced with an incredible difficulty, what does your countenance ussually sat about your faith? Is it possible there are some things in your life that need to be surrendered? Are you willing to do that now?

July 2, 2023/ July 4th Sermon / Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Gen 2:7 / Jn 1:1-4 / 2 Cor 4:16 / Rom 12:2 / Lk 4:18 / Jn 8:31-32 / Jn 5:19 / Neh 8:10

  1. We often talk about ways that we “have life poured into us”. Other people. Activities. Vacation spots. But it’s incredibly important for us to understand that our only true source of life is Jesus. What are practical ways for us to ensure His life is being poured into us on a regular basis?

  2. It’s hard for humans to wrap our brains around the fact that for followers of Jesus, true freedom comes from complete obedience. Following Jesus’ commands. How hard is it for you to say, “You’re God, I’m not. You lead, I’ll follow…’ and actually mean it?

  3. Happiness is quite different from joy. When have you ever experienced the temporary nature of happiness? When have you experienced the strength of joy?

June 25, 2023 / Refiner’s Fire

Psalm 23_1-4 / Malachi 3:1-4 / Genesis 1:27

  1. According to the 23rd Psalm, there are times when the Shepherd either leads us into or allows us to be in the valleys. What do you think about that truth?

  2. Most times, when the fire is hot enough, we believe we are alone and helpless to keep it from destroying us. Is it comforting to know that in those difficult times you are actually the center of God’s attention? That His intention is for you to be completely restored to who you were created to be?

  3. The process of refining is complete when the refiner can clearly see Himself in the reflection. When you look at yourself… When others look at you… Can the image of God be seen clearly?

June 18, 2023 / Father’s Day / Godly Men & Women Change the Atmosphere

Psalm 112:1 / Psalm 112:4-10

  1. A lot of people see the phrase “Fear the Lord” and interpret it in many different ways. What does that phrase mean to you?

  2. It seems like integrity and personal responsibility should be an easy thing to live out. Why do you think integrity and personal responsibility seems to be at an all time low in our culture? How would you suggest we change that?

  3. What does honor and living honorably mean to you personally?

June 11, 2023 / Jesus is the Answer Series / Let’s Get Radical!!

Acts 11:19-23 / Acts 11:27-30 / John 13:34-35

  1. Current culture typically labels Christians as “radical”. Does that label ever bother you or encourage you? Why?

  2. It’s obvious that Jesus was looking for radical followers and not just card carrying members of the club. Does that discourage or encourage you? Why?

  3. Radical message: Freedom from bondage. Sight for the blind. Radical Grace: Unconditional and unmerited. Radical Generosity: Money, time, energy or service. Can you see yourself being radical this way? Do you believe if Christians as a whole were known for this kind of radical living, we would change the world?

June 4, 2023 / Jesus is the Answer Series / The problem With Labels

John 4:7-10 / John 4:16-18 / John 4:25-26 / John 4:39 / Eph. 2:10 / 2 Cor. 5:17 / John 1:12

  1. In our society and culture, it would same there is a label for everyone. What are some common labels that you are familiar with? What do they mean to you? What do they mean to culture?

  2. Have you ever had labels applied to you? Either from someone else or even yourself. Have you ever tried to remove them? How did that go?

  3. Do you believe the manufacturers labels as defined in Eph 2:10, 2 Cor 5:17 and John 1:12? If not, perhaps you need an encounter with the manufacturer??

May 28, 2023 / Jesus is the Answer Series / Imagine: Dream Big

Ephesians 3:16-21 / Matthew 7:7-8 / Philippians 4:6 / Matthew 21:22 / Luke 18:27

  1. Children seem to be able to use their imaginations any time they want. Why is it so much harder for adults to do that?

  2. Scripture and experience clearly tells us that God is a limitless God. His resources are infinite. That being said, have you ever found yourself “limiting” God or at least your expectations of God, because of your inability or unwillingness to dream big?

  3. Grasping God’s love for us is the key. Spend some time as a Life Group, praying Ephesians 3:16-19 over one another.

May 21, 2023 / Jesus is the Answer Series / Past, Present and Future

Philippians 3:13-14 / Hebrews 13:8

  1. We all have good and bad past memories and experiences. How often do those experiences and memories affect your present actions and decisions?

  2. It’s easy to have times in our lives when we “coast” in our walk with Jesus and our sharing of the Gospel. What do you think it would take for you to have more urgency in both of those areas?

  3. How hard (or easy) is it for you to see your “calling” as disciples of Jesus? To be His ambassadors and ministers of reconciliation. To be His voice, His hands and His feet today and for the rest of your life.

May 14, 2023 / Jesus is the Answer Series / Mother’s Day 2023 / Mom… We Need You

Ps 32:8 / Deut 31:8 / Phil 4:19 / Matt 11:28 / Eph 6:2

  1. Parenting is one of the most important mission fields. Do you see it that way? If not, why not?

  2. Scripture tells us that God instructs us, is always with us, supplies everything we need and gives us rest any time we come to Jesus. Yet, so many of us try to live life independent of total reliance on God. What causes you to delay in turning to Him or maybe even never turning to Him for what you need?

  3. Scripture clearly commands us to honor our mothers and fathers. Is it easy or hard for you to honor your mom or your dad? Why?

May7, 2023 / Jesus is the Answer Series / The Key to Being Blessed and Being a Blessing

Psalm 1:1-3 / Jeremiah 17:9 / Ephesians 6:12

  1. “Counsel” comes from many sources. In general, who’s counsel do you trust the most? You own? Someone you know? Scripture? Google?

  2. Most of us who grew up in the church theoretically understand that the Bible is God’s Word. Why is it that we as Christians don’t value what it says more than we do? Or at the very least, we don’t find ourselves “craving” more of its truths.

  3. When was the last time you met someone who was like the tree described in Psalm 1:3? Do you think people like that can truly change the world?

April 30, 2023 / Jesus is the Answer Series / Seeds Become Fruit. But How?

Mark 4:26-29 / Genesis 2:19 / Hebrews 4:12a / John 1:1-5

  1. Scripture makes it clear that God’s plan from day #1 was active human participation in growing His Kingdom here on Earth. Does that excite you or scare you? Does your level of excitement or fear depend on the level of participation He is asking of you?

  2. When God asks you to plant a seed and you do, how hard is it for you to then trust the growth process? To allow God to cause that seed to grow and mature.

  3. Are there times when you find yourself to be root-bound? Or reliant on substitute sunshine and water? What are some practical ways for us to encourage healthy growth in our lives?

April 23, 2023 / Walls Can and Will Come Down / Some Lessons From Jericho

Jos 6:1-5/ Pro 3:5-6/ Mat 6:9-10/ Jos 6:11-12/ Jos 6:14/ 2 Kgs 13:17-19/ Jos 6:15-16/ Jos 6:20

  1. All of us face walls that seem to be insurmountable at times in our life. When this happens to you what is your usual response?

  2. When you are in a very difficult situation, how hard is it for you to completely trust God especially when you don’t completely understand or know the path forward?

  3. Has there ever been a time when you didn’t persevere through a tough situation only to find out later that victory had actually been close at hand?

  4. Tell us about a time when you saw a wall through God’s eyes, you trusted Him and worshipped Him throughout the journey and followed through until you saw it fall.

April 16, 2023 / Jesus is the Answer Series / Increase Peace

Jn 20:19-21 / Jn 21:26 / Jn 14:27 / Is 9:6-7 / 2 Pet 1:3-7

  1. When you look at the world around us does it ever appear to you that the Kingdom of God is getting smaller? Does it seem like God’s peace is getting less and less?

  2. Scripture clearly tells us that God’s kingdom and His peace will never end and will expand forever. It’s also clear that God’s plan until Jesus’ return, is for it to expand through His followers. Does that excite you or scare you?

  3. Of all of the things that Peter tells us to pursue (faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, mutual affection and love), which ones of these do you feel like you pursue the most? Which ones do you struggle with?

April 9, 2023 / Jesus is the Answer Series / Easter 2023

What do the grave-clothes mean to you?

John 20:1-10 / Roman’s 8:35-39

  1. Hope is an interesting thing. When have no hope it can make us feel like nothing is possible. When we have hope, it can almost make us feel like anything is possible. Do you ever struggle with times of hopelessness? In what ways?

  2. Jesus is the hope for hopelessness. What are practical wasy for us to lean into His heart and discover how much He loves us?

April 2, 2023 / Jesus is the Answer Series / The Humble King / Palm Sunday 2023

Heb 5:7 / Lk 19:29-35 / Is 53:2 / Luke 2:11-12 / Matt 8:20 / Is 53:6

  1. When we consider the world around us, its obvious that there are many things that attract people to “leaders.” Appearance. Wealth. Status. To name a few. But humble, simple Jesus started the most consequential movement in the history of mankind. Why do you think His humble heart was and is so important to humanity?

  2. Do you ever find yourself missing the big picture because you are focussed on the small picture? What are practical ways to not be distracted? To keep our eyes on the big picture of what Jesus is doing in the world around us?

  3. What are practical ways that followers of Jesus can display His humble heart?

March 26, 2023 / Jesus is the Answer Series / A Short Encounter With a Man Named Zacchaeus

Luke 19:1-10

  1. Appearances always seem to be so important. What we look like. What we say. How we act. When was the last time you said or did something and didn’t care what anyone else thought about it?

  2. Zachaeus plan was to see Jesus. Good chance he never expected to be seen by Jesus. Have there been times in you life when you’ve felt “unseen”? Times when you felt completely alone. On your own. How does it make you feel to know that Jesus sees you? That regardless of how you might feel, you are never truly alone?

  3. Knowing that we have the answer… Jesus… Does that motivate you to tell others about Him?

March 19 2023 / Jesus is the Answer Series / The Time is Now

Mark 1:14-15 / Luke 10:2 / Luke 15:1-10

  1. The world we live in seems to be more and more wicked with each passing day. Have you ever caught yourself thinking it is a lost cause? Really no use in trying. It’s too far gone. How hard is it for you to believe that there’s never been a better time to share the Gospel?

  2. Jesus told His disciples to pray for the harvesters. Do you see yourself as a harvester? If so, are you willing to get your hands dirty by being around some rotten fruit? To persevere and do the work that needs to be done?

  3. Have you ever paused to consider how valuable you are? In light of what Jesus sacrificed for you. The sinners and tax collectors were worth it… And so are you.

March 12 2023 / Jesus is the Answer Series / The Kingdom is as Close as Your Hand

Mark 1:14-15

  1. The chaos and failures of life combined with the lies of Satan can sometimes trick us into thinking that the Kingdom of God is not really for us or is far off and unattainable. When you hear the truth that the Kingdom… Jesus Himself… Is actually as “close as your hand”… Right in front of you… How does that affect you? Does it give you hope? Does it prompt you to go ahead and reach out and take hold of Him? If not… Why not?

  2. If the Good News about Jesus is the best news ever… And… Now is the time when we have a strategic opportunity to share it with the world… What are some practical ways for us to do that?

  3. Do you trust Jesus?

March 5 2023 / Jesus is the Answer Series / What To Do With Unbelief

Mark 9:14-29 / Genesis 3:1

  1. We often believe that to be a Christian we somehow have to have perfect faith. Never have any doubts. Always believe. But when we read Scripture, it’s pretty obvious that unbelief is something that humans have struggled with since the beginning of time. When were some times of doubt in your life? Was there something specific happening? Can you point to something specific that was causing doubt to creep in?

  2. In the Bible we see story after story of humans who are willing to be humble and honest about changes that need to be made in their lives actually having their lives dramatically impacted by bringing those things to God and asking for change. What keeps us from doing that more often? What keeps you from doing that more often?

  3. What are practical ways for us to “lean into the heart of God”?

February 26 2023 / Jesus is the Answer Series / Lent / WMD’s

Matt 6:19-21 / Jn 15:1-2 / Matt 6:27 / Jn 1:12 / Lk 10:38-42

  1. One of Satan’s “go-to” tactics is distraction. Getting us to focus on something other than Jesus. Pastor Steve referred to them as “Weapons of Mass Distraction.” Of the 5 he pointed out; Good Things, The Appearance of Good Things, Bad Things, Other people’s Things & Busy Things… Which ones are you most easily distracted by? Why?

  2. Do you find it hard to just sit at the feet of Jesus like Mary did? What does that actually look like?

  3. What are some practical ways for us to repent… To turn from the WMD’s… And fully face Jesus?

February 19 2023 / Jesus is the Answer Series / Jesus is Good News

Mark 1:1 / Heb 4:15 / Matt 1:21 / Rom 6:21-23 / Mark 1:9-11 / Mark 9:7

  1. The Good News about Jesus is the greatest and most beneficial news ever shared. Why don’t modern day disciples, for the most part, get very excited about spreading the Gospel?

  2. Scripture tells us that Jesus experienced all of the same things that you and I experience. Sorrow. Pain. Loss. Temptation. Hunger. etc. What does knowing that mean to you?

  3. Most Christians think that repentance is for people who are doing really terrible things that they need to turn from. But even if we are just slightly turned away from Jesus in any area of our lives, we need to repent… Turn from the thing we are facing… And fully face Jesus. What are some things that get a “pass” when it comes to repentance? Where are some areas in your life personally that you are not fully facing Jesus?

February 12 2023 / Valentines Day 2023 / Authentic Love

1 John 4:7-12

  1. We live in a world that talks about love an awful lot. Things, places and people that we “love”. The world invites us to take the easy path to love. But most of those things couldn’t really be called “real” or “authentic” love. Why do you think humanity in general struggles with fake love? Do you? If so, why do you think you do?

  2. God is the source of authentic love. Being connected to that source allows us to “put it on.” Have you ever had someone sacrificially love you with His authentic love? Have you ever sacrificially loved someone with His authentic love?

  3. Putting on authentic love allows people to see God. What are some practical ways you can reveal God this week?

January 29 2023 / Jesus is the Answer Series / Faith… What if Jesus?

Matt. 4:5-7, Jn 8:44-47, Is 53:6, James 3:16, Matt 8:5-8, Mark 5:25-29, Matt 8:1-3

  1. Christianity is entirely dependent upon faith. Believing in something that we can’t actually see. Why do you believe we struggle with faith so often? What are some examples of times you personally struggle with faith?

  2. Faith truly boils down to one thing… Humility. Trusting that Jesus is the answer and that He will do what’s best every single time. He doesn’t need my input or my approval. Jesus is the answer. How often do you place expectations on your prayer requests? How often are you disappointed when He doesn’t answer in the way your had hoped?

  3. What are some practical ways for us to develop a “Jesus only” approach… For our first and only question to be, “What if Jesus?”

January 22 2023 / Jesus is the Answer Series / The Beatitudes

Matt 5:1-10 / John 15:1-4, 8:58, 6:35, 10:9, 8:12, 10:11, 14:6 , 11:25-26 / Jeremiah 17:9

  1. The ministry pattern that Jesus taught us was this: Jesus trained a small group of disciples who in turn went out and spread the Gospel which slowly and exponentially grew over the years. It’s clear that Jesus never intended to reach the “masses” all by Himself. It’s equally clear that every follower of Jesus carries the mandate of spreading the Gospel. Do you personally find it easy or hard to tell people about Jesus? What are the things that hold you back the most?

  2. A set of rules is easier to measure than heart transformation. That being said, why do you think heart transformation is so much more important?

  3. Of all of the Beatitudes, is there one or more that you identify more with? Why?

January 15 2023 / Jesus is the Answer Series / Why does Jesus’ genealogy matter?

Matt 1:1-3 / Matt 1:16 / Gen 1:1-3 / Acts 1:8 / Gal 3:26-29

  1. Matthew proved that Jesus was the fulfillment of OT prophecies. This would have been very important to the Jews. Why is this important to Christians?

  2. When applied to us, the genealogy of Jesus tells us that He is the Messiah, we are members of His lineage and we don’t have to be perfect to be used by God. Which one or more, of those means the most to you personally? Why?

January 8 2023 / Jesus is the Answer Series / Jesus said “I am”

Ex. 3:14-15 / Jn 8:58-59 / Jn 6:35 / Jn 6:48-51 / Jn 8:12 / Is 9:2 / Jn 10:9 / Jn 10:11 / Jn 10:18 Jn 11:25-27 / Jn 14:6 / Jn 15:1

  1. The main difference between Christianity and all of the other world religions is Jesus. How important is it that Jesus is actually “I am”?

  2. Of all of the “I am’s” that Jesus said He is (bread of life, light of the world, gate, good shepherd, resurrection and the life, way, truth and life and true vine) which one means the most to you? Why?

December 25 2022 / Christmas / The Nativity Scene

Lk 1:26-38 / Lk 2:1-16 / Matt 2:1 & 2:9-11 / Is. 9:6-7 / Jn 3:16-17 / Jn 1:14

  1. The main characters of the Christmas story are baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Shepherds, Magi & the Angels. Can you personally identify with one or more of them? Which one(s) and why?

  2. When you look into the manger, what do you see? How does that impact your life?

December 18 2022 / Advent / Joy

  1. The Bible clearly says that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Why is it that we are much quicker to pray for peace or hope or love when someone is facing a difficult situation? What keeps us from praying for joy?

  2. The shepherds couldn’t contain their joy when they left the manger. They had an encounter with Immanuel… God Himself. When was the last time you had an encounter with God that so impacted your life, that you couldn’t wait to tell someone about it?

December 11 / Cookie Sunday

  1. What is your favorite thing about Cookie Sunday?

  2. Why do you believe it is important for The Spring to deliver cookies to our neighbors?

  3. Did you have any significant encounters or conversations with our neighbors that day? Any specific prayer requests that our Life Group can pray about?

December 4 2022 / Advent / Jesus is Peace

Jn 14;27, Jn 16:33, Phil 4:12-13, Phil 4:7, Prov 4:23

  1. True and lasting peace can often seem to be quite elusive. What are ways that you try to find peace in the chaos of life?

  2. Scripture tells us that God’s peace through Jesus goes beyond our ability to understand it. Is it hard for you to be a peace with something you don’t understand?

  3. When was the last time you consistently (daily) committed to times of prayer and reading God’s word?

November 27 2022 / Advent / Jesus is Hope

Matt 12:21, Col 1:27, Col 1:15-20, Matt 1:23, Matt 11:27, Rom 10:9

  1. Jesus was declared the “Hope of Nations” in the 1st century AD. Why do you think the early church was so confident that Jesus really was who He said He was? In modern times, why do you think there is as much doubt about who He is?

  2. Jesus’ ministry clearly shows us that a relationship with Him was a “means to and end”. We get to know Him and our lives are transformed by that relationship. And so, the relationship and the transaction are both important. What are some practical ways to keep our focus on both of those things and not lean too heavily on one or the other?

November 20 / Let’s Not Be In a Hurry For Christmas / Thanksgiving 2022

Rev. 11:16-18 / Matt. 9:37-38 / Jos. 1:8 / Lk. 5:16 / 1 Thes. 5:18 / Ps. 136:1-3 / Jn. 14:6 / Matt. 28:19 / Acts 2:42-47

  1. Thanksgiving is one of the central themes of Scripture. Why do you think humans, particularly those of us in the Western culture, struggle with being truly thankful?

  2. It’s obvious Jesus was pretty committed to equipping His disciples to go. It’s also probably true that they likely felt unprepared at times. But they went anyway. Do you ever feel like you are unprepared to follow Jesus’ command to “Go”? What is the solution to that?

  3. What are some practical ways for the modern church to be an “Acts 2” kind of church?

November 13 / Transaction or Relationship

Jn 3:16, 1:14 / Matt 6:33, 16:1, 16:13-17, 17:1-5 / Rev 3:20

  1. John 3:16 suggests that faith is transactional. John 1:14 suggests that faith is relational. While we believe that faith is both, do you ever find yourself embracing one more than the other?

  2. Peter, James and John witnessed an amazing event like the Transfiguration because of their close relationship with Jesus. Jesus is standing at the door and knocking… Longing to come in and commune with you. Longing for you to experience Him in all of His glory. What are some things that could possibly hold us back from opening the door? How do we overcome those things?

November 6 / Who Or What Do You Trust / Election 2022

1 Tim 1_3-4 / 2 Pet 1:20-21 / 2 Tim 3:16-17 / Phil 4:6-7 / Ps 24:1 / Ps 118:8-9 / 1 Tim 2:1-4 1 Tim 2:8 / 1 Tim 2:5-6

  1. As society and culture have been changing, the authority of Scripture has slowly but steadily been eroded. The Bible carried much more influence not that long ago, than it does today. Does society’s opinion about the Bible make it harder or easier for you personally to embrace it as authoritative in your life?

  2. Pastor Steve likes to say, “I don’t care what the question is, Jesus is the answer” and “If you get this right, (as he waves his hand up and down), it takes care of a whole lot of this. (as he waves his hand side to side) How do you think turning to Jesus and getting your relationship with Him right actually changes your life?

October 30 / Light In The Darkness

Gen 1:1-4 / 1 Pet 5:8 / Jn 10:10 / 1 Corinth 4:4 / Jn 3:19-21 / Jn 1:1-5 / Jn 8:12 / Lk 9:1-2

  1. With all of the “darkness” that seems to be all around us in our world right now, are there times when fear creeps into your mind? Times when you feel like it’s too powerful to push back against?

  2. Since Jesus is the Light of the world, and His light is carried into the world by us, what are practical ways for us to be “light in the darkness”?

  3. (Personal reflection) Are there things hiding in my life that need to be exposed to the light?

October 23 / Passionate

Revelation 2:1-5 / Acts 2:37-41

  1. In your opinion, is “the Church” doing good work in the world today?

  2. Think back to the start of your relationship with Jesus. Are you as passionate about getting to know Him today as you were then?

October 16 / Outside The 4 Walls

John 1:14 / Luke 5:16 / John 5:19-20 / Luke 13:10-16

  1. Jesus truly lived a humble life and was constantly following His Father’s direction. Do you ever struggle with following? Taking input from others?

  2. Without a doubt, our world is desperately in need of change. If the Jesus in me is really the change that is needed, what are practical ways for me to “be Jesus” in the world?

October 9 / Embrace His Greatness

Is. 40:12 / Eph. 3:20-21 / Is. 40:29-31 / Mark 10:27 / Genesis 1:1-3 / John 1:1-5, 1:14. 1:12

  1. It seems like our entire culture is founded on knowledge. Understanding how and why things work. How hard is it for you to embrace something you don’t understand?

  2. Sometimes God seems to be unreachable because He is so immense. What are practical ways for you to personally embrace God’s greatness?

October 2 / Weary? Heavy Burdened? There’s a Solution For That!

Matt. 11:28-30 / Mark 6:30-32

  1. In the rat-race called life… How often do you find yourself in a hurry?

  2. Knowing that turning from our weariness and heavy burdens is critical if we are to find rest… What are practical ways for you to share a yoke with Jesus?

September 18 / Change is Good??? / Get Used to Different

2 Cor. 5:17, Gen. 1:1, Rom. 12:2, Eph. 5:8, Eph. 5:1-2, Matt. 5:14-16

  1. Most people would say that they like or dislike change depending on the circumstances. What circumstances cause you to like / dislike change?

  2. While it is true that we count on God to work change in our lives, humans have the responsibility to do some things as well. What are practical ways we can change our life, our minds, our nature and our mission?